About Us

At JK PIE, we are more than just an alliance of NGOs and civil society members; we are a driving force for change in the education sector of Kashmir. Our mission is to empower the youth of Kashmir by providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to access quality education. Education is the key to unlocking a brighter future, and every child in Kashmir deserves an opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.

Origin of Our Alliance

In 2023, a group of passionate and committed individuals in the beautiful region of Jammu and Kashmir recognized the urgent need for quality education, inclusivity, and community-driven change. This realization led to the birth of the “Jammu and Kashmir Partnership for Inclusive Education” (JKPIE). Our alliance was forged with the shared belief that education is the cornerstone of progress and peace in the region.


Collaboration: We bring together a coalition of NGOs and civil society members committed to improving education in Kashmir. We can leverage our collective expertise, resources, and passion to create a more significant impact by working together.

Advocacy: We advocate for policy changes and reforms in the education sector to ensure that every child in Kashmir has access to quality education. Change at the policy level is essential to achieving our mission. 


Our vision is to create a Kashmir where education is accessible to all, regardless of background or circumstances. We envision a society where every child can receive a quality education, enabling them to reach their full potential and contribute to improving their community and the world.

We empower every child, advocate for change, mobilize resources, strengthen communities, and transform education in Kashmir.


Inclusivity: We are committed to inclusive and equitable education for all, regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, or geographical location.

Empowerment: We believe in empowering individuals through education, helping them build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

Our Story

In the heart of Kashmir, JK PIE emerged as a transformative force in the education sector. More than a mere coalition of NGOs and civil society members, we embody a dynamic catalyst for change. Our journey began with a profound mission — to empower the youth of Kashmir, recognizing education as the pivotal gateway to a brighter future.

At JK PIE, we steadfastly believe that every child in Kashmir deserves not just an education but an opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive. We are driven by the conviction that education is the key to unlocking untapped potential, fostering empowerment among the youth, and steering the region towards a more prosperous and inclusive tomorrow.

Our story is one of dedication and passion, woven into the fabric of the vibrant communities we serve. We tirelessly work to provide the tools, resources, and unwavering support necessary for the youth to access quality education. As a collaborative force, JK PIE stands as a beacon of hope, striving to break barriers and create a future where every child’s dreams are nurtured, and every mind is ignited with the flame of knowledge. In our narrative, the pursuit of change is not just a mission; it is a shared commitment to cultivating a generation empowered with the skills and knowledge to shape their own destinies.

The Principles That Propel Us

Innovation Excellence

Striving for continuous innovation and excellence in all aspects of our work.

Community Empowerment

We believe that local communities are key partners in the education process, and we work collaboratively to address their unique needs and challenges.


We advocate for policy changes and investments in education that support our mission of inclusivity and quality..


We are committed to ensuring that every child, regardless of gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background, or ability, has access to quality education.

Quality Education

We strive for excellence in education by promoting innovative teaching methods, teacher training, and infrastructure development..


We collaborate with governments, other NGOs, international organizations, and stakeholders to maximize our impact.

Our Network

Let's Partner in Education

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