Get Involved With

At JK PIE, our mission is clear: to transform the educational landscape in Kashmir and empower the region’s youth through quality education. But we can’t do it alone. We need your support, your expertise, and your passion to create lasting change.



Your financial contributions can make a significant impact on the lives of children and educators in Kashmir. Every donation brings us closer to achieving our mission. Your support is a direct investment in the future of Kashmir.


Whether you're interested in working in the field, assisting with administrative tasks, or bringing your unique skills to the table, we welcome volunteers with open arms. Your time and dedication can help us reach our goals faster.


If you represent an NGO or civil society group with a similar mission, consider partnering with us. Collaboration strengthens our collective impact and enables us to address the challenges in the education sector more effectively.


Spread the word about the importance of quality education in Kashmir. Advocacy for policy changes and reforms is a powerful way to make a difference. Use your voice to raise awareness and influence positive changes in the region.

Partner With US

Elevate your corporate social responsibility with a partnership that transcends impact. JK PIE invites discerning organizations and individuals to align with our mission of catalyzing positive change. As a strategic partner, you contribute to a transformative narrative where corporate engagement meets community empowerment.

Let JK PIE be the canvas for your organization’s philanthropic masterpiece. Together, let’s sculpt a future where corporate excellence converges with societal advancement. Reach out to explore how a partnership with JK PIE can transcend transactional support, fostering a legacy of positive change that resonates far beyond corporate borders. Partner with JK PIE – where purpose meets professionalism, and impact is the cornerstone of collaboration.

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