Calling All Partners: Join Us for the Latest General Meeting!

Dear Valued Partners,

We hope this message finds you well and filled with enthusiasm for our shared mission at JK PIE – Partners in Education. As we continue our collective journey to transform the education landscape in Kashmir, your active involvement remains vital. We are excited to invite you to our upcoming General Meeting, where we will discuss our latest achievements, future initiatives, and opportunities for collaboration.

Meeting Details:

  • Date: 28 Oct 2023
  • Time: 11 a.m.
  • Location: Virtual Meeting

Agenda Highlights:

  1. Review of Achievements: We will take a moment to reflect on the milestones we’ve achieved together since our last meeting. Your contributions have been instrumental in our progress.
  2. Future Initiatives: Explore the upcoming projects and initiatives on our agenda. Your input and expertise are invaluable as we plan our next steps to benefit the students and educators in Kashmir.
  3. Collaboration Opportunities: Discover new ways to collaborate and enhance our impact. We believe that working together amplifies our effectiveness, and we look forward to exploring fresh ideas with you.
  4. Financial Updates: Get an overview of the financial aspects of our organization, ensuring transparency and accountability in resource allocation.
  5. Open Floor Discussion: Share your thoughts, questions, and ideas. Your input helps shape the direction of JK PIE and ensures that we remain aligned with our mission.

Your dedication to improving education in Kashmir is the driving force behind JK PIE, and we look forward to your active participation in this meeting. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of the region’s youth and educators.

Thank you for your continued support, and we can’t wait to connect with you at the General Meeting.

Warm regards,


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